International Delegation Visit on 17 January 2023

G D Goenka University is delighted to have Prof. Simon Bronitt, Head and Dean of Sydney Law School, University of Sydney, Australia, Mr. Peter Finneran, Head of Strategic Partnerships and Engagement, Mr. Ravi Prakash Vyas and Ms. Vered Lalrinpuii Chhakchhuak on our campus.

In the context of UGC’s Regulations 2023 (Setting up and Operation of Campuses of Foreign Higher Educational Institutions in India), the universities aim to start a successful partnership with the School of Law and establish a culture of Cosmopolitan Legal Education. The meet was facilitated by Prof. (Dr.) Tabrez Ahmad, Vice
Chancellor and Dean, School of Law, and Prof. Dr. Azimkhan Pathan, Head, School of Law.

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July 26, 2023 MBA Orientation Day 3

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August 23, 2021 World’s Pharmacist Day


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