GD Goenka University is establishing a collaborative engagement with a consortium of universities working under the umbrella of ‘Silk Road Universities’. 79 universities (from 62 cities and 28 nations) are associated with SUN to promote shared values and objectives towards reposing peace and harmony through educational and cultural exchange. These partnerships are fostered with an eye to nurture world citizens for the future through a richer curriculum, teaching and training program delivered by partner institutes.

The University hosted delegates from Silk Road Universities Network (SUN) on February 6, 2020 at the university campus. The delegation included Prof. Sung Don Hwang Secretary General, Silk Road Universities Network (SUN), DAP Sharma, Associate Prof. Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, Univ. of Delhi and Special Advisor to the Sec. Gen. of SUN and Mr. Cho, Professional photographer and Content Designer of SUN. The Goenka party included Prof. Suku Bhaskaran – President, GD Goenka University and Susanta Bose – Director – International Partnerships and Student Mobility.

Prof. Sung Don Hwang shared the vision of SUN through an introductory presentation and the steps it has taken thus far in promoting global peace and harmony. As a non-profit global network of universities (located along the historical Silk Route), Prof. Sung emphasized on the role SUN plays to impart values and skills to learn to live together and foster prosperity with coexistence for the betterment of one and all by collaborating with universities and academic institutions across the globe.

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